From: Bob Richards
Subject: DH at Conejo Valley Days
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 15:58:58 -0500

First time seeing DAN outdoors. At first I was worried that the ambient noise from the fair would negatively affect the typical mood/atmosphere of Dan's concert. No problem. Dan lit it up with a very small crowd in the set-up seats. Performed cuts from his original LP, "Dan Hicks and the Hotlicks", Where's the Money, Striking it Rich, Beatin the Heat, Shootin' straight, and Last Train to Hicksville. I sure would like to hear a couple of tunes off of "It Happened One Bite", but I have that on CD too.

Dan was "over the top" on Dancin'. Had everyone in stitches.

My kids finally got to see Dan live after being reared with heavy doses of DAN. In fact I have an ultrasound video of my boy B-bopin' in the womb!

They loved him. A friend of mine who I convinced to see Dan once a few years ago at McCabes made the trip. His 11 year old daughter, couldn't take her eyes off of DAN, got a photo with she and Dan, spoke with the lickettes in depth after the show, and was so jazzed couldn't fall asleep until after 1am.

We'll that finishes it for now. I've already got my tickets for the Roxy and am considering the trip down to San Juan Capistrano for dinner and a show the night before.

One last thing; Dan really seems to go with the flow these days. I wish I could figure him out, but I guess the mystique would be lost. He's been touring around the country pretty intensely. I just have to believe it's more than a push for "Beatin' the Heat".

thank you again;
Bob Richards