Dan Hicks and the Disciples of Jump
Russian River Jazz Festival
Guerneville, CA
8 September 2001
by Kathy & Ken
Jazz ahead!
Gigantic gnomes lurk near the convenience stores in Guerneville.
The Russian River Valley is a noted wine-producing region, as evidenced
by this sign.
Johnson Beach in Guerneville, site of both the Russian Rives Blues
Festival (held in June), and The Russian River Jazz Festival.
Jazzmaster Dan pays attention to detail while setting up. Dan and The
Disciples were the opening act of the Festival.
These early arrivals are ready to jazz it up with Dan!
Dan and the group start cookin'. As you see, Dan brought along his
Jazz Hat. Jumpettes Annabelle Cruz and Susan Rabin get into the groove.
Tryin' to keep the lid on as the jazz heats up.
Mark Shinbrot tickes the ivories, as Annabelle Cruz tickles our fancies
with some jazzy moves.
Jerry Gross makes those vibes ring, while Paul Robinson gets off
some jazzy riffs. That's Josh Riskin on the drums back there. Our
apologies for not getting better pics of Josh.
Paul's looking sharp in his jazz-shades. Sounding good, too.
Annabelle and Susan are backed up by John Clark, who lays down
one heck of a jazzy bass line.
Smooth conga action by Jazzmaster Dan.
Uh-oh...time for some jazzy footwork...
Swing-Jazz or Jazz-Swing? Who cares? We just dig it.
Jazzercise was never like this...
You're looking downright jazzy, girls!
Josh and Jerry be jazzin', too.
Gusts of wind are an occupational hazard at outdoor Jazz festivals.
This zephyr appeared as Dan and the Jumpettes were gettin' into some
snazzy percussion.
Jazzmaster Dan croons a classic, as only he can.
Jazz aficionados show their appreciation for a fine set by Dan and
the Disciples!