From: Roky
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 1999 18:46:52 -0700

Hi! Last night I saw Dan at Java Joe's in SD.  A little after 9pm, an adorable blond in a little black dress by the name of Cindy Lee Berryhill took the stage.  She was very witty and played everything from the guitar to a tape recorder!  She had a nice voice with a style similar to the lead singer of the Cranberrys.  My dad wanted to get her CD she he bought it and then we went back stage for her to sign it even though some guy was yelling at us not to go.  She was nice in person too and drew a cute little guitar.  She also wrote 46/500 which I don't get.  Can anyone tell me what that means?  N-E-ways.  Soon Dan and the rest of the band came out.  I cheared but noone else would shut up and the backgound music kept planning so Dan said, "OK you all go on with your conversations and listen to your shitty music 'cus we're not ready yet.  Than everyone pretty much shut up.  Dan looked exactly how you would expect him too!  He had a kind of 50's hairstyle, a brown silk shirt that was buttoned low, and nice black slacks, a real lady's man.  He sounded GOOD too!  They did old faves and newer ones.  The violinest stole a very large amount of the applause and Dan kept giving him a hard time.  This guy really looked like someone who should play the violin!  The basist really worked hard on his solo's, you could really tell.  Then there was the guitarist (other that Dan).  My parents really liked him, they said he kept making the funniest faces as he played.  Dan played guitar and a military drum which he told us a story about.  They did rockin' renditions of everything!  "Payday Blues" was really neat.  "Hell I'd Go" was ever so memorable.  Dan danced by kicking out one leg.  I guess the stage was just too small for much else.  Seeing Dan in person was just incredible for me.  He's such a genius!  The headcount for him was 150 by the way.  Love y'all.