From: Steve Ramirez
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 13:28:32 -0700

I was also at the Java Joes show in Ocean Beach (San Diego) and also the two shows at McCabes' in Santa Monica.  I only have a couple more things to add to Phyllis' excellent review.  The lead guitarist was Tom Mitchell, who was the topic of a couple threads some time ago.  Although his style is much different than either of the Pauls' he did some very excellent swing/jazz licks.  As far as the face, try to picture a young Neville Brand.  The funniest line of the night IMHO, was Dan's intro to "Payday Blues"....  "There's this guy..... he decides to go get shitfaced.  That's pretty much it." .  Dan also played brushes on a great new addition to his repretoire "I Don't Want Love" and hinted his surfdog album would be out by the millienium

Santa Monica:
McCabe's Guitar Shop is exactly that, a guitar shop with a back room large enough to hold about 150 people and a small stage.  The first show was sold out, second show had right arounf 50 people. when Dan came out for the second show he said something like "We already did our professional show for the first crowd, because we wanted them to love us. With this crowd, we dont care" although later on he said he grew fond of us and after the show he and the band were going to come out and meet each and every one of us and maybe let us touch them (he didn't)

The music was good as always.  Dan was extremely talkative with long intro's to almost every song, the band did a few instrumental medeley's my favorite was "Caravan/Four Brothers".

Had a brief coversation with Tom Mitchell after a Santa Monica shows, he dropped a few names of guest artists on Dan's new album, but wouldn't let too many cats out of the bag.. I guess we'll just have to wait...

Almost forgot, These are in no particular order, I just know I heard these songs over the course of the weekend

instrumental medeley's:
Intro/Swing 42
Caravan/Four Brothers

Old songs Dan heard on Radio Free Europe while serving in the Peace Corps:
I Dont Want Love (another food song)
Give Me the Simple Life
Hummin to Myself
I Got Mine

New "sincere" song "because I realized the sarcasm thing wasnt working":

Strike It While It's Hot
How Come My Cello Dont Play For You?
Capo On My Brain

Ones we all know:
I Scare Myself, Canned Music, Long Comma Viper, Payday Blues, Evening Breeze, The Buzzard..., Cowboy's Dream #19, Hell, I'd Go! (with new verses)

There may be more, just not sure.