Dan Hicks and His Sidekicks
On the Plaza, Sonoma, CA
August 20 2002
by Kathy & Ken

Stanley Mouse created this snazzy poster for the event.



Sonoma City Hall, on the Plaza. The stage was set up at the rear of this building.



Sonoma Plaza is lovely.



City workers setting up the stage in mid-afternoon. Sonoma was where the California
Republic was born, and the first "bear flag" sewn, in 1846. The town has a
Spanish Colonial atmosphere, complete with old adobe buildings near the plaza.


Music-lovers gathered early, many enjoying picnics.



After an opening act, Dan and His Sidekicks took the stage around 7PM.



These guys can swing!
Louis Aissen - sax, clarinet, and flute.
Mark Shinbrot - keyboards.
Paul Smith (aka "Corky Rodriguez, from down St. Thomas way.") - bass



Bob Scott, a member of the classic Hot Licks, on drums. Bob was hot, hot, hot!



Guitar master, and proud new father, Paul Robinson adds his signature licks.



The Man, lookin' and soundin' good.





Folks started dancing right away.



Sonoma was definitely ready to boogie!



Music attracts local wildlife. Here, an Alcoholus Odorificus, or "Neighborhood Pest".



The Sidekicks are an ass-kickin' lineup!



Dan makes the natives even more restless with his Conga skills.



The asphalt is jammed with dancers as twilight descends.
Dan and the boys arehaving fun, too.



It's non-stop boogying to some great sounds!



Thanks, Dan and Sidekicks, for a wonderful evening in Sonoma!